Friday, August 13, 2010

I blinked, and summer was gone.

In ten days, I return to school. Waking up at 11:51 and watching Futurama all day will soon no longer be an option. Instead of touring Canada, my family went to San Francisco this summer. We had a wonderful time, we ended up eating great Italian food, shopping, visiting the wharf, seeing the sights. You know.. All the basics.

The city was unbelievable. Culturally diverse, busy, beautiful, tall. Everyone was independent of one another, but there existed a strange sense of community at the same time. There were more art galleries and shows playing than I had seen in a long time. I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much! The city is usually really intimidating... I am sure it becomes more comforting when people fall into ruts. How can someone fall into routine in San Francisco? There was something new everyday.

I think the thing I will remember most about this summer is the freedom. I chose when to get up and what to do with my life. My brother and I went out for milkshakes at 1AM on more than one occasion! I did everything I wanted to do by not doing much at all. Everybody kind of did their own thing.. A lot of my friends visited family and were busy getting internships.. But school means reuniting season, and the weekends will be busy.

The thrill of starting a new school year is gone. I've done the "High school" thing twice before, and I am thoroughly tired of it. I had "senior-idis" back in the 8th grade.

Another year with dumb comments, pranks, and getting tripped in the hallway.

MEH, fuck 'em.

GOODNIGHT, (despite the fact that its 2:58 PM where I am), and may your dreams be less ordinary than mine.

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